Popsicle Puzzle

Super easy way to use up the popsicle sticks from your summer fun, or in my case I just buy them at the craft store. This craft has several components to keep your kiddo busy…from coloring to painting to building a puzzle it has something for everyone. Mama doesn’t need any energy for this one, it is so simple.
Mod Podge
Popsicle Sticks
Access to a Printer: Dragon
Colored Pencils
Paint Brush
Marker (Optional)
Xacto Knife (for mom)

1 Print this PDF, of the Mama’s Knight Dragon and cut it out. (Or use your own photos or drawings).
2 Using colored pencils, color the dragon and sign your name.
3 Optional—using a marker color one side of the popsicle sticks.
4 Line up the popsicle sticks next to each other and as many as you need to be larger than the dragon art. Paint the surface of the popsicle sticks with Mod Podge.
5 Place the dragon picture onto of the popsicle sticks.
7 Paint Mod Podge over the top of the dragon picture and popsicle sticks creating a thin layer.
8 Let it dry and carefully cut through the dragon picture between the popsicle sticks with an Xacto Knife.
9 Puzzle fun begins